Friday, November 20, 2009

Download Link 2012 Movie

 Udah nonton film 2012 itu? Bukannya saya mendukung pembajakan ya..tapi barusan aja aku nemuin download link filmnya ni..
Kualitasnya lumayan bagus -- masih TS sih, tapi TS nya High Quality, you can see the sample here --

Genre: Action | Drama | Thriller
IMDB rating: 6.7/10
Directed by: Roland Emmerich
Starring:John Cusack, Amanda Peet
Release Name:2012 (2009) HQ TeleSync LiNE READNFO-FUSiON
Size: 1,39GB
Video: XVID,720×288 1234 kbps
Audio: MP3, 128 kb/s

So, this is it:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Koneksi Internet Wireless via Console dengan NetCFG pada Linux

cara ini adalah cara alternatif selain menggunakan iwconfig, program yang digunakan disini adalah netcfg, so, langsung install aja netcfg mu

1. sudo nano /etc/nework.d/nama-koneksi
2. isi dari variable-nama-koneksi
    CONNECTION="wireless"  < tipe jaringan
    DESCRIPTION="A simple opened wireless connection" < deskripsi,,gag        gitu penting sih..
    INTERFACE="wlan0" < interface yang digunakan, ex wlan0,eth0
    ESSID="MyNetwork" < nama ssid, apakah fisika2 atau nama lain
    IP="dhcp" < ip address = automatic kalau digunakan di windows.
3. setelah semua selesai diisi,
sudo /etc/nama-koneksi
4. Konek deh!

yah itu aja..short tutorial untuk kali ini.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Setting Telnet pada Windows 7

Yep. Windows baru, Windows 7.
Karena masih tergolong baru nginstal windows ini jadi belum terlalu eksplor tentang windows 7 ini,
Hari ini aku baru menyadari kalo windows 7 --dan ternyata vista juga-- tidak memiliki telnet yang udah aktif secara default, untuk itu kita perlu mengaktifkannya.

Hmm..ngga usah beribet deh..caranya:
1. Masuk Control Panel
2. Klik Programs
3. Pada bagian Program and Features pilih "Turn Windows features on or off"
4. Contreng Telnet Client dan Telnet Server
5. Ucapkan Alhamdulillah :) selesai deh..

Ada tampilannya ni:

Games Lagi Portable Avatar: Bobble Battles

Deskripsi Inggris ya :)
From the attack on the Northern Water Tribe to the siege of Ba Sing Se, it's up to you to decide the outcome of your favorite battles as you command the armies of the Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, and even the Fire Nation in this unique strategy game!

Game features:
18 missions spanning 3 epic campaigns!
10 hero characters to control!
30 different units at your command!

System requirements:
Windows XP/Vista
DirectX 9
1 GHz
256 MB RAM

Game Baru! Avatar: Path of Zuko!

Kalau di deskripsikan:
In Avatar: Path of Zuko, you'll take control of Prince Zuko, the son of the Fire Lord, and adventure through hundreds of missions and various locations retelling the third season of the Avatar series from Zuko’s perspective! Solve puzzles and fight enemies while learning many powerful bending moves to become a formidable and mighty firebender!
Play through many of the key moments from the Avatar series: Rescue Aang and join forces to find Sun Benders battle the dragons! Infiltrate the Fire Nation War Room and confront Fire Lord Ozai and his guards! Lead Zuko to victory in an epic battle against his sister Azula! Avatar: Path of Zuko puts you inside the show!

Game features:
Play as Prince Zuko!
Battle the Fire Nation to regain your honor!
Play a minigame to regain health and chi!

System requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
DirectX 9
700 MHz
128 MB RAM

Game Baru! TankZ: Destruction 0.9.2

Deskripsi (dalam bahasa Inggris ya):
Become a tank captain and defend two worlds against an invasion! You have a huge weapon arsenal at your disposal, which will help you complete all 100 levels. Enemies coming from everywhere will make your task difficult. Remember - only You can prevent the invasion so do not linger and join the fight!

System requirements:
Windows XP/Vista
DirectX 9
1.2 GHz
512 MB RAM

Download games mini

Akhir-akhir ini karena koneksi internet baru cepet2nya, saya mulai kurang kerjaan mendownload game2 kecil dari internet. Ya..game2 yang ngga perlu di install gitu deh..

Hasil setengah jam ngenet dan donlot saya dapat game avatar path of zuko, dan
Avatar Bobble Battles dan sebuah game cooking yang akan saya berikan pada pacar saya yaitu Cooking Dash 2,

Mendownload 3 game ternyata belum membuat saya puas,,ah tambah aja satu lagi..akhirnya saya mendownload ini Tankz Destruction

Akhirnya dapet deh 4 game..trus saya udahan deh..

Bagi yang mau game-game diatas dan tidak mau repot-repot cari, bisa request di comment ato kirim email ke saya, nanti saya upload kan ke indowebster..hehe

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Compile pascal dengan FPC (Free Pascal Compiler)

Barusan aja tau ni, karena saya masih baru-baru intens make linux, jadi sekarang belajar pascal juga pake linux, so tadi pagi nginstall fpc (free pascal compiler) buat compiling program-program pascal latihanku biar bisa jalan di linux, harap maklum loh..masih belajar pascal ni..hohoho

Sebenernya ada sih pascal compiler di linux yang udah gui, cuman agak lama tadi donlotnya..jadi ya pake ini aja..hehe

So langsung aja cara compile nya..

  1. Buat listing program pascal nya, dan save-as di tempat yang kamu mau, ex: /home/user/namaprogramkamu.pas

  2. Buka terminal..pindah ( cd ) ke tempat kamu nge-save program kamu

  3. ketik: fpc -Xc namaprogramkamu.pas [enter dah]

  4. trus jadi deh, file kamu bakal di compile dengan nama “namaprograkamu” (tanpa extensi)

  5. Jadi kalo mau nge-run programnya ya tinggal di execute aja dengan cara ./namaprogramkamu [enter]

  6. Jadi deh.

Okey, sekian aja tutorial super singkatku..hehe..cuman buat mengisi waktu luang kok..


(duh..berantakan ya..)

Any question dab?!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Google Picasa! One Stop Image Storing!

Salah satu tempat yang patut dicoba buat kamu-kamu para blogger yang suka banget nyimpane foto di web, waw..tampilannya saat ngeplay, check aja tampilannya ni, waww......keren juga kan..

Just try it!

Selain itu, tadi saat baca2 saya menemukan fact bahwa sebenarnya, file2 gambar yang kalian simpan(upload) di blogger, tidak benar-benar disimpan d blogger, namun file-file simpanan kalian akan disimpan di google chorme.

Btw..udah ngantuk banget niy..udah dulu ah...

One of My Day's Activity

Dua hari ini adalah hari-hari yang berat buatku..

Karena ada project website yang harus aku slesein ak harus begadang 2malam ini..sehari cuman tidur tidak lebih dari 4 jam..damn!

Karena adanya acara nasional KRI-KRCI ini..aku yang ngurusin jadi sie publikasi mau ngga mau harus nyelesein tugas ngerjain web tepat waktu..n sekarang ini adalah Hminus beberapa jelas aja ak harus nyelesein webQ dengan tepat waktu..

but, that's oK! bukan mahasiswa namanya kalo ngga pernah ngrasain nglembur..


walopun badanku hancur lebur..tapi rasanya kepuasan karena menyelesaikan web ini tiada duanya n bonusnya adalah ilmu sangat besar yang aku dapetin!

OKe deh--oke deh--oke deh..


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

KASKUS! biggest community

I wanna tell you all about indonesian biggest forum here, you can check this out! kaskus

Kaskus as a biggest forum here always update it's news lively, the news they're post 're always objective and sometimes we got a nice post here for our information.


that's all..i just wanna tell you that.


Hari2ku hari ini semakin sibuk dan sibuk..


jadi lupa posting deh..

yah..jadi kosong lagi..

sekarang malah lupa mau posting apa..

Friday, April 10, 2009

Another cool Blog :D

I just wanna share another stupid cool blog that i've always set aside (is it correct to use these words?) my time to read this, yeah..just check this out!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Free Cool Wordpress Theme

Yeph, hello there...

still with me, Chipz, in my blog! hehe (yeah..just me here)

sometimes i hear my friends looking for a good wordpress template at the website..

yeah..bad..bad actually, because the free one isn't cool n good enough..

n then (still with smashingmagazine) i found some interesting wordpress theme here..

just check this out!
good for you..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Remove the dotted link on your web

I've found that the dotted outline on every link in my website was disgust me, so i ask uncle google how to remove it..yep, really simple actually, so i wanna share it for u too.. :D

If you want it gone, and you want it gone on every single anchor link, just include this as a part of your CSS reset:

a {
outline: none;

Hope it'll help u :)

smashingmagazine -- damn cool site yeahh!

just take a look on the net looking for css code tutorial..

still confusing though,
until i found smashingmagazine

yeahh..damn cool..

this website provide a lot of tutorial, :D
hmm..n when i explore deeper, i found a lot icon set there..cihuy!

yeah..just download it..

Friday, March 20, 2009



i don't know what to write here..

hmm...i'm just planning to write tutorial here..


this is my first post, so dont miss it and keep reading, okay?!

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